Pacific University Media Arts Club

Aaron Meeuwsen, Class of 2025

Fiona Wilson, Class of 2024

Our club is open to helping out with local community members with their media arts project.

  • We, as a media arts club, are connected with Pacific University students with a range of experiences, from graphic design to videography and even writing

  • Because of the current state of the media arts industry, any opportunity is appreciated and we strive to connect our members with such opportunities

  • If you would like help from a media arts student, contact our president, Aaron Meeuwsen, at [email protected] and we will share your idea to those in the club/affiliated with Pacific University

  • Once we establish what services you need, we will attempt to connect you with a student who is interested in helping out

  • PUMA is not a contracting company and do not promise that projects will be completed or that we will be able to do projects for you. For assurance of completion, consider contacting Pacific's Media Arts Production Services (MAPS)

  • We do not charge any money for services that the club itself provides; we do things out of the kindness of our hearts and our motivation to get better at media. Keep in mind, however, that the services we as a club provide end once you are connected with a media artist or a group of media artists.

  • We will attempt to clarify when PUMA services end and when artist services begin and what that may look like. However, because we are unaffiliated with services that the club doesn't provide, we do not promise that these artist services will be free. However, this depends on who the artist(s) are and what the project is.

  • If you have questions about whether you will need to pay for an artist or not, reach out to our president.

  • Since we are a busy bunch of students, projects that would be appreciated for PUMA would be short, one-time projects that can be done in a day or two. If you need students who will continually do media for you, we can attempt to connect you with students who can do that; however, we recommend that you reach inward in your own organization/social circle for artists who are already involved in your organization's activities.

  • If you need help with projects that require weeks of production work, we would be honored to share that with our members. Keep in mind the previous considerations already specified and that PUMA does not promise that we will be able to connect you with someone. However, that doesn't mean we wouldn't be extremely interested in your proposal.

About PUMA

PUMA (Pacific University Media Arts) was started in 2007 by Film & Video professor Jennifer Hardacker with the goal to establish a Media Arts club on campus. For most of its existence, it has been targeted towards film students, doing things like bringing speakers to campus and doing film screening. The club has also hosted workshops such as bringing an effects makeup artist in to do demonstrations, bringing camera operators who showed off their camera gear, etc. It also used to routinely organize trips to film festivals in the area or other film events.

The current 2023-2024 PUMA descends from the PUMA of the 2022-2023 year, which saw students trying to make a film, which never got past the brainstorming phase. Then, in the second semester, it pretty much dipped out of existence. The main goal for the 2023-2024 PUMA is to extend the reach of the club by hosting activities that attract students who are interested in areas of Media Arts outside of just film (graphic design, journalism, communication, etc.). This spring semester, we have decided to focus on two things to accomplish this: workshops, which guide students on how to be successful in the field of media arts, providing instruction for things like video editing and financial success, and "student services," which not only allows clubs to find people who would be interested in doing things like photography for them but also allows students to find opportunities to practice media arts by giving them real-world opportunities.

Currently, our club is running on the backs of three dedicated members, but we hope that more people will be inspired to help PUMA grow the media arts community here.

If you would like more information about PUMA, email our President, Aaron Meeuwsen, at [email protected]

Spring 2024

  • Contact Aaron Meeuwsen at [email protected] for suggestions on what we should do!

  • Read the About page for what the goals are for this year/the club in general